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Welcome to the privacy policy!

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Rules of confidentiality, commercial electronic communications, terms of use of the website and information about your personal data;

Dear customers and members,

We would like to inform you about our rules of confidentiality, commercial electronic communications, the conditions of use of the website and our practices regarding the processing of your personal data and your rights under Law No 6698 in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish law for the protection of personal data.

As customers, we ask you for certain information (name, age, interests, e-mail, etc.) in order to serve you better.

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As part of our home decor products business company on our website (“Website”), the Privacy Policy, Our Policy, Application and Terms of Use, including the Principles current are set out below, are valid for privacy, protection, processing, use, commercial electronic communications and in other areas, privacy rules, policy, application and terms of use , the current principles of which are set out below, will apply.

The aforementioned information is collected on the servers of the company "", and is processed and used only within Kapadoki for periodic campaign studies, organizing special promotional activities for customer profiles and studies of " classification ”of clients to prevent the transmission of unsolicited e-mail.

In addition to the information requested from its customers and members in email addresses and membership forms, Kapadoki analyzes and interprets the movements and preferences of visitors while using the website. This statistical data, which is not personal information, may be shared with Kapadoki's business partners in order to provide a more efficient shopping experience for Kapadoki customers.

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All kinds of personal and non-personal information, including physical and e-commerce stores, company-owned departments and structures, resellers and members' contract organizations, location data regarding their site visits and their purchases, the products examined and the information about the product and the amount of the purchases can be obtained from Bluetooth and wireless network connections with appropriate technical methods if the relevant functions are opened.

In accordance with the law, Kapadoki offers sms / text messages, instant notifications, automatic calls for all kinds of products and services for the purposes of promotion, advertising, communication, promotion, sales and marketing, card store, credit card and membership information, transaction, apps. Social, commercial and other electronic communications can be done with computer, telephone, e-mail, fax, Bluetooth if your device is turned on, other wireless networks and other electronic communication tools and commercial electronic messages can be sent to our members / clients.

In the event that Members / Customers are informed and / or purchase Products as a result of communications, information, promotions and advertisements made to their parties, this will be subject to the terms of the Prior Order Information Form and of the distance selling contract. In accordance with the legal procedure that you will see during each transaction.

Kapadoki does not share any information collected from client / membership forms with any third parties without the consent of members / clients.

For any non-operational reason

it does not use or sell any information for commercial purposes.

Client / member information may only be disclosed to official authorities if such information is requested by official authorities and in cases where he is obliged to make a declaration to the authorities in accordance with the provisions of mandatory legislation in force. All information entered into the system by the Client / Member is only accessible by the Client / Member and this information can only be modified by the Client / Member. It is not possible for anyone to access and modify this information.

If you would like to unsubscribe from our daily mailing list at any time, you can easily unsubscribe from the newsletter subscription by clicking on the "Please click to exit our email newsletter list" link at the bottom of any emails you send us. we send you. Likewise, customers / members can end sending from other specified communication channels.

The credit card information requested on the payment page is in no way stored on the servers of Kapadoki or the companies that serve it, in order to maintain the highest level of security for our valued customers / members who purchase on our site. . In this way, it is guaranteed that all payment transactions are carried out between the bank and your computer via the Kapadoki interface. In this context, no data is processed, collected, processed or used by Kapadoki.

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The terms of confidentiality, security policy, use, communication and processing of personal data of other sites apply in the event that customers / members access another site from our website.

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Kapadoki is in no way responsible for disputes, material and moral damages and losses that may result from the use of information from websites consulted for advertising, banners, content or for any other purpose, ethical rules of the sites, confidentiality , safety principles, quality service, conditions of use and other practices. Kapadoki is not responsible for the information obtained by Customers / Members from the Website or other sites linked to the Website, the information, promotions and advertisements to which they are communicated electronically, as well as the decisions they make, suggestions and all transactions, applications and results that they make therein accordingly and are the members who are responsible.

All intellectual and industrial rights and property rights belong to Kapadoki, except those belonging to other third parties, in accordance with Kapadoki's agreement regarding all kinds of information and content related to the website and their disposal, revision and partial or total use.

Kapadoki reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary in the above matters and in the products, services and opportunities it offers to its customers / members. These changes will be valid from the time they are announced by Kapadoki on the website or through other appropriate methods.

Personal data information

We would like to inform you of your rights under Personal Data Protection Act No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and our practices regarding the handling of your personal data as “”.

None of the information entered on our company Kapadoki website and its mobile application can be accessed by other websites / users through the Kapadoki company, for the purposes of confidentiality, protection, processing, use, communications. electronic business and other issues, for membership, purchasing products / services and updating information.

In order to take the necessary measures to protect privacy and to comply with all legal principles regarding the processing of personal data; Our company Kapadoki and its business partners - successors, service providers, suppliers and third parties / organizations as determined by them, customer service, consumer rights and other opportunities related to the products you purchase / are of interest to you. It will be able to process your data in cases where it is legally necessary or necessary for legitimate interests, provided that you can benefit from it and / or fulfill its commercial, financial, legal responsibilities and obligations and / or not infringe to your fundamental rights and freedoms. You can benefit from general and personalized product-services and facilities, and all kinds of product-service promotion, advertising, communication, promotion, sales, marketing, store card, credit card and membership transactions, information and Your personal data are obtained automatically / non-automatic methods, taken back, recorded in written / magnetic archives in the country and abroad for the period not exceeding the maximum legal periods, stored, kept, made available, used, made available up to date, modified, merged disclosure, sharing, transfer (inside and outside), transfer and other processing, and in cases where the law requires it, your authorization may also be requested for certain applications.

Both for legal reasons, to allow you to benefit from general and personalized products / services and opportunities. And for the purpose of providing you with all kinds of product / service promotion, advertising, communication, promotion, sales, marketing, store card, credit card and membership transactions, information and applications. Your personal data is obtained by automatic / non-automatic methods, to be recorded in written / magnetic archives for a period not exceeding the maximum legal periods, to be stored, preserved, made available, used, updated, to modify, merge, reorganize, classify. If your explicit permission is obtained, it may be subject to sharing, transfer, transfer and other processing abroad.

Our customers / members can stop the use and processing of personal data at any time and without any justification by contacting Kapadoki through the specified communication channels. According to the explicit notification of the client / member in this regard, the transactions of personal data are suspended within the legal maximum period. If the Client / Member so wishes, their information, other than legally possible, is deleted from the data logging system or anonymously anonymized. If the client / member wishes, he can always apply to Kapadoki and obtain information on the processes related to the processing of his personal data. Requests and inquiries regarding these issues will be met within the maximum legal timeframe.

Your last name, first name, nickname, age, gender, marital status, region of residence, level of education, interests, shopping habits, preferences, tastes and tastes for all kinds of products, including clothing, content of the invoice, mobile phone information, device code, IP such as number and address, email address and location data will be processed and may be transferred. The rights you have in accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK in accordance with the provisions of Turkish law on the method and legal reason for collecting your personal information,, with this notification; if the relevant information is used for its intended purpose, the rights to learn and know the third parties to whom it is transferred in the country and abroad, and to request information on any problems, as well as the correction in case of treatment incomplete or incorrect, and deletion in accordance with legal conditions and method You have the right to ask third parties to whom your data has been transferred, to also oppose the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your information with automated systems and requesting their deletion in the event that you suffer damage due to unlawful processing, in all these questions. that you can ask Kapadoki as data controller, that your requests be met within the maximum timeframe legal (where information needs to be deleted or destroyed, your personality will be anonymized in order to achieve the same goal.)

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We inform you that the processing of personal data may continue to the extent permitted by law.

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A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer or mobile device during current and subsequent visits. As Kapadoki, we use cookies to facilitate navigation during your visit, to provide services to our customers and to improve your experience.

There are generally 4 different types of cookies on our sites:

In analysis tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook and Smartlook, we use third-party cookies to collect aggregate statistics. We use both permanent and temporary cookies (session cookies). Persistent cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device for a maximum of 24 months.

Links: The site may contain links to other websites which are not under our control. We declare that we do not assume any responsibility for the protection of your privacy or the content of such websites.

You can easily delete cookies from your computer or mobile device using your browser. You can easily access the instructions on how to manage and delete cookies from your browser's Help menu. You can change your cookie settings through your browser and select options such as disabling cookies, receiving notifications when a new cookie is sent to your computer or mobile device. However, we remind you that if you disable cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of our site.

For all your questions and requests for information;

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You can reach us at +90 551 026 83 05 call centers.


Address: Bahcelievler Mahallesi, 622. Sokak, n ° 8 / A

Avanos / Nevsehir - Turkey

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